What are Clear Aligners?
Clear aligners allow you to straighten your teeth without the bulk and metal of traditional braces. These aligners are easy to wear and removable, which allows you to fully and properly brush your teeth every day. The aligners work by forcing teeth into place using gentle, effective pressure. The system is ideal for teens and adults looking to correct orthodontic problems.

Why would you need Clear Aligners?
You may want or need clear aligners if you have crooked or crowded teeth. If you’re unhappy with the look of your smile, clear aligners are right for you. The system relies on the trays being worn for about 22 hours each day. It is important that you keep the trays in for this amount of time for them to be effective.
What makes you a good candidate for Clear Aligners?
Most people who want clear aligner orthodontic treatment are able to begin having the work done. However, younger children or those who are not likely to wear the trays for 22 hours or more a day aren’t a good fit for clear aligner treatment. The system may not be effective on severe malocclusion and orthodontic problems. We can determine if you’re a good candidate for clear aligners with the help of an exam and consultation.
What can you expect with treatment involving Clear Aligners?
Clear aligners are made to fit you comfortably. You’ll have impressions taken by our staff that will then be used to create the actual trays. You’ll be told how to wear the tray and how to maintain and care for it. You will need to come back to the office every few weeks to have new clear aligners made for you. It is important that you wear the trays for 22 hours a day so that treatment is effective at straightening your smile. You will love the orthodontic freedom you achieve with the help of clear aligners.
If you’re interested in clear aligners and want to know more about your options, call our office today and we will be thrilled to answer any of your questions.
If you’re interested in clear aligners and want to know more about your options, call our office today and we will be thrilled to answer any of your questions.